Sreenu Vytla demanding Rs 10 Crores?

Director Sreenu Vytla, who has recently delivered the super hit film "Dookudu" with Mahesh Babu, is on high demand now. We all know that Sreenu Vytla is soon going to direct a new film Jr NTR, which is going to hit the floors on March 18th.This movie will be produced by actor turned producer Bandla Ganesh Babu on Parameswara arts banner.

Now the latest buzz is that after the success of Dookudu, Sreenu Vytla has hiked his remuneration and now he is asking a whopping price of Rs 10 Crores to direct a film with Jr NTR, which is the highest price ever for a Telugu director.But so far there is no confirmation whether the producer accepted the figure or not!
The movie will be titled either Action or Badsaw and soon the confirmed title will be announced!!

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